Phalen Times

All JRPLA 8th Graders Eligible for Full Ride College Scholarships

Written by Phalen Leadership Academies | May 28, 2020 2:00:00 PM Z

All 8th grade scholars at James and Rosemary Phalen Leadership Academy (JRPLA) have been given a golden opportunity to have their college tuitions paid in full by Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars Program–saving parents and scholars up to $40,000 in college tuition.

The program provides students up to four years of undergraduate tuition at any participating public college or university in Indiana. If scholars choose to attend a private college, the state will award an amount comparable to that of a four-year public college– breaking down a huge financial barrier that  our students and parents often face.

JRP Principal, Nicole Fama, and the JRP team applied for 21st Century Scholars on behalf of their students in order to support their college education.

“At JRP, we are preparing our students for the future,” she said. “This means encouraging them to think about who they want to be, what they want to do, and even which colleges they’d like to attend. We are very proud of our 8th grade scholars. We are excited for them. It’s never too early to plant seeds of success and to have students thinking about college placement. With this, JRP will have had a major impact in molding, supporting, and preparing PLA scholars for success.”
In order to maintain qualification, scholars must earn a cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Qualifying JRP students will earn a scholarship and get step-by-step help to make sure they succeed in college. To learn more, click here.